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When to Top a Cannabis Plant: A Comprehensive Guide

Growing cannabis is an art, and knowing when to top a cannabis plant is a crucial skill for cultivators. Topping is the process of strategically trimming the upper growth of the plant to encourage bushier growth and increase yields. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the world of cannabis cultivation and explore the best times to top your plants for maximum benefits.

When to Top a Cannabis Plant

Topping is a fundamental technique that can significantly impact your cannabis plants’ health and yield. Let’s break down the process step by step:

Understanding the Growth Phases

  1. Germination and Seedling Stage: Your cannabis journey begins with germination and seedling growth. During this phase, your plant is delicate, and topping is not recommended.
  2. Vegetative Stage: This is the ideal time to consider topping. When your plant has developed several sets of leaves and branches, it’s ready for the topping process.
  3. Flowering Stage: Avoid topping during the flowering stage, as it can stress the plant and reduce bud production.

Identifying the Right Time

  1. Node Development: Look for the formation of new nodes, which are the points where leaves and branches grow from the main stem. Topping should be done just above the third or fourth node.
  2. Even Growth: Ensure that the plant is growing evenly and vigorously before topping. Weak or sickly plants may not respond well to topping.
  3. Daylight Hours: Consider the daylight hours your plant receives. Topping at the beginning of a light cycle allows for quicker recovery.

The Topping Process

  1. Tools: Use sharp, sterilized scissors or pruning shears to make a clean cut.
  2. Cutting Technique: Snip the main stem just above the chosen node, leaving a small portion of the stem to promote healing.
  3. Auxiliary Growth: After topping, your plant will redirect its energy to auxiliary branches, creating a bushier canopy.


green leaves in close up photography

Is topping necessary for all cannabis strains?

Topping is not mandatory but can benefit most cannabis strains by increasing yields and promoting even growth.

Can I top an autoflowering cannabis plant?

Topping autoflowers is generally discouraged, as they have limited vegetative time. LST (low-stress training) is a better option.

How long does it take for a topped plant to recover?

Typically, a topped cannabis plant takes 3-7 days to recover and start growing vigorously again.

Can I top my cannabis plant more than once?

You can top your plant multiple times during the vegetative stage, but be cautious not to over-stress it.

What should I do with the trimmed growth?

You can use the trimmed leaves and stems for making cannabis-infused products or compost them for your garden.

Should I use any growth hormones after topping?

While not necessary, some growers use growth hormones to expedite recovery. It’s optional and strain-dependent.


Knowing when to top a cannabis plant is a valuable skill for any cannabis cultivator. By understanding the growth stages, identifying the right time, and following proper techniques, you can boost your plant’s yield and overall health. Remember, each strain may have unique requirements, so observe your plants closely.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced grower, mastering the art of topping will contribute to your success in the world of cannabis cultivation. Happy growing!

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